UFAS1 Alumni Registration Form

Dear UFAS Alumni,
We are pleased to inform you of the upcoming launch of a platform dedicated to our distinguished alumni community.
This platform will provide you with the opportunity to maintain close links with our university as well as with your fellow alumni.
To make this platform a reality, we invite you to help us by filling in the registration form below.
This form requires basic information, including your name, email address and graduation year.
Once the platform completed, you will have access to a wide range of features, such as the possibility to communicate with other graduates, to take part in online and face-to-face events and to stay informed about the latest activities and events of our university.
We look forward to welcoming you to our platform and offering you the opportunity to rekindle the ties that bind you to our university.
Do not hesitate to register now.
Thank you for your time and continued support.


First name


Last name

اللقب: (بالعربية)
الاسم: (بالعربية)

تاريخ الميلاد

Date de naissance

Date of birth

:مكان الميلاد

Lieu de naissance

Place of birth

:البريد الالكتروني


الجنسية (بالنسبة للأجانب)

Nationalité (pour les étrangers)

Nationality (for outsider of Algerie)

:البلد / المدينة الحالية

Pays / Ville Actuel

Current Country / City

كلية / معهد التخرج:

Faculté / Institut de graduation

Faculty / Graduation Institute

الكلية او المعهد اذا لم يكن مذكور

Faculté ou institut si non mentionné

Faculty or institute if not mentioned




:شهادة التخرج

Diplôme de graduation

graduation diploma

سنة التخرج:

Année de graduation

Year of graduation

: منصب العمل الحالي

Poste de travail actuel

current workstation